Residents Won’t Pay Late Fee Due to Late City Bills

Council/City Staff Have Plan to Correct Outsourced Billing Issues


The City of Big Lake is proactively working on a permanent solution to their billing issues which have caused bills to be sent out to residents 10 days late or more.
“No one will have to pay the late fee this month,” City Secretary Sheri Benson said. “This is an issue occurring with the billing company we use, and no fault of our City staff or our residents.”
Benson said the issue has happened periodically in the past and the City felt the company handling their billing had it under control.
“The City staff, in concert with the City Council, have worked toward a solution that will benefit the residents of Big Lake,” Benson said. “I can assure everyone that we have a plan in place that will get our billing back on track in the near future.”
Residents are encouraged to pay their bill as normal once they receive it, and to ignore the late fee this month.